You can see all the boys enjoying a lazy afternoon. The two bears in the front are prototypes of the final Bear Pattern that I am working on. It will be done with three different kinds of yarn.
You have the bear on the left is made with Rowan Tweed a dk weight Yarn, then the one on the right is made with Lambs Pride and it has a lovely fuzzy look, This weekend I am hoping to test the final pattern with Cascade 220. More or less it takes about 165 of the dk weight and about 150 of the worsted weight Lambs Pride. We shall see how much it takes from the Cascade 220. The yarn to make the eyes, mouth and nose is about 15 yards and is plenty. I used two techniques to embroider the nose on these two bears. In the end the bears are coming out very nicely. I am hoping to have this pattern for sale next month. Thanks for stopping by!