This was originally to be posted on August 2019, yep so this is what I did during the summer as a summer project. I have been doing a lot of home improvements for myself that is. I took my Venus Fly trap outside, I have to post new pictures as it has grown a lot.

I got this furniture from Ikea. It was pine and you know how that looks. I got some furniture stain paint and painted my furniture this beautiful color and I love the way they look. Two dressers and two night stands. I wanted to upgrade the furniture so that it look nice and warm to the eyes.
This same summer of 2019 I discovered this copper spray and went a little crazy. This lamp was the perfect subject. It is metal and it was a beige like color. I liked it then, but I wanted it to be copper, it is a color that is within the scope of the oranges that I like. The look of the lamp is beautiful and it has a magnificent texture. I got it from one of the thrifts stores, they were more of the same style I should have gotten two, lol.
This is my first blog entry in two years I believe. I have like a flashback that will come in the next blog entry as I move along in life. I had no idea how much I missed blogging until I wrote laughing out loud lol, which now has turned into an emoji. Life has changed in the two years since I moved to Sacramento. There is a Pandemic, we have a heat wave like never before and there are fires everywhere. More in other entries.
So this that you see is the cutest TP cover I have ever made in my life. I forgot the pattern, but I promise I will make another one and will tell you the pattern and the designer.
This Octopus was from this book I got Creature Knits I think. It has a lot of fun knits for you to practice making toys. This octopus was a lot of fun to make. I was able to put pipe cleaners inside and it becomes a completely new creature. This designer is amazing. Again next time I will post more info. I have the mojo for blogging back and I don't want to stop. I am also going to do some You Tubing.
Those are dryer balls. I decided to create those as a gift for last Christmas-Solstice celebration. I gifted myself a set and I can tell you these work. My dryer balls are from natural wool. I did not want to deal with colored or dyed wool. These came out great and I thought were a good gift idea.
Well here we go, 2020 has been a year of challenges and growth, I am back once more.