Sometimes you find a yarn that is the perfect yarn for the craft you are doing. HiKoo Simplicity happens to be a really nice yarn for my crafting needs. What a Palette of Colour , oh so inspiring. This is what I have to play with for the next few weeks to bring you some Fall Magic to you. I am hoping to design some cool stuff .Simplicity is machine washable merino , acrylic and nylon blend, great for socks for also for bags ,scarves and hats, what else can you ask for ? Color? You bet, the Simplicity Colour Palette is getting richer by the day, I do have my favorite colors, yet I like them all.
In the works in progress, there is what I believe will become a triangular Shawl-scarf inspired by West Knits designs; there may be 3 hats or 4, some fingerless mittens, maybe even a bag. Hopefully they will be on Tapestry Crochet, Crochet color work or Fair Isle Crochet if you want to call it that way. I am hoping to bring texture and fun color combinations to you for the Fall season, in expectations of Holiday Gifting. I hope you have a great rest of the week and there is more coming during the weekend as I test yarns and make things for gifting. Thanks for stopping by!