The day started as usual with Breakfast and the eagerness to learn and share. My first class was with Mr. Franklin Habit, which is a great guy to know. Franklin is a very respectful and honorable guy, nonetheless he has the advantage of keeping in his memory the experiences of life, so don't even think of messing with us short guys, we have an amazing spirit specially when you have the outlook in life that we do. I like my new found friend. Namaste.
His class was on photography, and worth every minute of it. What are the things that you have to take into consideration when taking pictures and what not to do. Reading the manual, but mostly he explained certain terms that I was not sure about, mostly because of new vocabulary, which now will be enhancing my life. Most of my pictures after the class have the touch of his teaching. He taught us how to make a light box to take pictures of our stuff aka wools and items for showing and showcasing. I was lucky this year and was gifted with the class. Last year it got filled very fast. I love photography as you can tell and love to experiment with the light and the depth of the field.
The picture above is definitely an example of a picture taken in a spontaneous way, but taking advantage of the light source and the subject. Thanks to Franklin Habit I will be able to take better pictures and be a bit more daring.
Nigel on the right side of this picture was the next teacher for the day. Turkish cast on and designing your own sock, there was too little time , but we manage to cast one and do some roes of toe up socks. He is a great teacher and definitely his class was worth taking.

It also involved magic loop and I was able to work on the sock without going insane, magic loop is not my favorite was of knitting, but I saw that you need the right length of cable and with the right technique, magic loop can be very good technique for socks.
It also involved magic loop and I was able to work on the sock without going insane, magic loop is not my favorite was of knitting, but I saw that you need the right length of cable and with the right technique, magic loop can be very good technique for socks.
After that there was Lunch and the tour of Skacel, which I decided to stay in. It must have been a success because the guys came with smiles on their faces, as I did last year, fantastic purchases. I got the Skein above from Tom who got a bag, so I was happy to purchase one from him. This yarn is fantastic I just did not want to purchase a whole bag. lol, really I did not. Nevertheless we had an invitation from Karin Skacel to her house for Dessert and Wine or Coffee or cupcakes, it was a great venue as I got to see her and say hello, she had some toys for the boys to play. We so some new products like the one below and got to play with them, New Addi Clicks Bamboo and the Addi Tunisian Crochet Clicks which will be a fantastic addition to my sets once they are out. I was gifted the addi hook which I am very thankful for. Thank You for allowing us in your Home and share with your family, I felt honored indeed, there was another contest, we love contests don't we. John Wise won and there was another winner, which escapes me at the moment.
There was a show and tell and believe me there was a lot more to show, some items are ready to be published so we could not take the pictures or were requested to not post them in the net. We can do that, it is nice to keep a secret , it is even better when you ask and people let you know what when and where. As you can see Men Can Do Lace, lots of wonderful lace projects , I did not win with my show and tell, but I won because I was among all this wonderful craftsmen and artisans. We can sculpture lace believe it or not. I entered the Apollo Shawl which I donated to the Group and the Paean Scarf. Thanks for allowing me to support the craft among men.
Men in Kilts are very sexy, specially when they know how to properly wear them.
Kevin was the Show and Tell Winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This concludes our day two and of course we went to bed around 1 AM and then I got up at 5 AM, energized and ready to start the day. I took advantage of the energy to do some meditation and get my luggage in shape, my room had a bathroom so it was nice not to have to go out in the middle of the night , we old chaps have to think of those things. We did not have a shower, but I would shower before going to bed. Tomorrow or later on depending on how I feel I will describe to you Day 3 which was the day we got to Earthues . Thanks for stopping by.