X marks the Spot or is it for Yarn Porn lol! The first time someone unfamiliar with yarn heard the word Yarn Porn, they laughed so hard, they almost fell off the chair they were siting on. Today I went to get my Bamboo fix, trying different brands of yarn. I guess it is a great substitute for cotton when it comes to hats. I like the idea of having antibacterial properties. Right below you have an X made by Berroco Bonsai Yarns, I selected this yarn because I wanted to see if the Nylon blend or the striping that this tape like yarn thread has allows me to crochet with it without much incident.
This yarn below is almost like the other yarn from Plymouth yarn, very silky, smooth and shiny, let's see if it holds up to the hook! All three yarns have strange names, the navy-purple on top is called Kaigum, while the Orange, which believe you me, it is like Paprika, is called Kaki. The yarn below is called CHO whatever that means.
I just tried a new wool bamboo blend from believe it or not, Moda Dea called appropriately...Bamboo Wool. I like working with it...not as slippery as the ones I have worked with before. Curious to see how the new yarns work for ya...and hopeful work with the hook. Oh yeah...I also noticed working with a bamboo hook...helped with the slippery texture. But, I prefer to use bamboo with bamboo...lol.
Lovely yarn! This may seem silly, but I have no idea what Yarn Porn is,,,,,,,,,,, naked yarn,,,?,,,,,I will Google it!
Beautiful yarn. I have not yet used bamboo!
mmmmmmmm. yarnporn.
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