This is another Afghan that I have made in Scott's memory this Month. So far this has been a very easy to make afghan and can be done in three days or so. I am aiming at cutting the yarn I have from him in half by the time the summer gets here and donate all afghans to charity in his name. I am thinking of him as I make them , it is impossible not to, but nevertheless is fun.
Thanks for stopping by and remember not to be complainers. What I mean by that is in no way to curtail you from complaiing, but from being a non action complainer. Do something for the sake of the Gods and don't just lay there like you deserve the whole galaxy. Whining in my book is so uncalled for.
Well I hope to be able to make more pretty stuff for you to see and for people to enjoy. It is by choice and dedication thatI a doing this in Scott's name. Have a great week and come back soon.
Boy is that pretty.........
Cool afghan!
That is just beautiful! Great job!
Great day, man!
Another beautiful ghan! Your hands must be tired!!! If it took you three days, it would take me (not including procrastination...) three years! ;-)
I guess you have to be someone "pretty" to make something "pretty". Well done.
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