I am hoping that this blog will help you and me experience the craft of crochet as well as knitting. During times of silence or turmoil, crochet and knitting continuously help me quiet my mind at my own pace, enabling me to find my center. I am also sharing my SECRET persona, Lt. DAX, my life in code while living in Bajor. Maybe fiction maybe not is up to you to decide. Peldor Joi!!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Crafty Andy Updates July 2011
I have been very busy , this video was going to be the first one, but it happens to be the last one released, nevertheless it is what I am up to in July. I have been fortunate to have some local friends help me with the testing and proof-reading of one or two of my patterns to be released this month. My other sources are very busy doing other things, Naomi and QueerJoe have helped me in the past and they have my total appreciation and gratitude for their help. The other Three patterns have already been proofread and are ready to be submitted to the Yarn Company for approval or not. One thing is for sure, the new hats are hot, hot, hot, but wait a minute, there are more hats coming out still. I believe 2011 will be the biggest Hat Pattern release from Crafty Andy to date, that is a good thing.
On another note about the modified single crochet stitches that I am showing on my other videos, I make or made no claim to their invention or copyright, I believe no one can copyright stitches. I wanted to share something I learned to the rest of the world, because I thought more people will benefit from the knowledge and I have not seen a video about that kind of technique, so I made one. Now to Mister P F , next time email me privately, instead of leaving a comment on the video like if you were a stranger talking to another stranger. I guess I thought you knew me better , but it's like you were talking to a complete stranger. I guess you really don't know me Sir, and I saw that clearly, won't make that mistake again. Well enough of that subject as I clarified it in the posts and video where the stitches came from, because I felt it was the right thing to do, and I did not like your comment, because it felt accusatory, it felt like you were accusing me of claiming the technique as mine, well I don't do that. The video explains very well that someone shared something that they learned with me, it was taught to them, I chose to share it in a video, end of story, it was not because of You! This is Crafty Andy , thank you for allowing me in your home!
Almost two years without blogging August 2020
Life can be a bowl of strawberries when cheries are not available. It has been almost two years since I have been in this blog. I have s...

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Life can be a bowl of strawberries when cheries are not available. It has been almost two years since I have been in this blog. I have s...