Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tauron Donegal Socks Continues

So the journey started a couple of days ago and I have been looking around for the best books and stuff for learning to make socks and I finally found the best in my opinion. Antje Gillingham gives the best directions. The books she has written have great illustrations and will guide in your journey of making socks.
Below you have the cuffs
These are the legs.

The Heel Flap has taken shape.

The Heel has been turned and the gusset is been picked up!

Is it actually working? Yes it does fit!Finally the leg grows and by tomorrow I am hoping to have the finished product.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you like these Battlestar Galactica inspired socks. I am using my own pattern and using or making a round heel. It just looks very nice. Thanks for stopping by!

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