Here they are in all their Romulan puuuuuuurrrfection. The Twin kitty cat Potholders. I hope you like them. Thanks for stopping by, there willbe more to come later, but maybe not this weekend.
Long Live the Empire!!!
I am hoping that this blog will help you and me experience the craft of crochet as well as knitting. During times of silence or turmoil, crochet and knitting continuously help me quiet my mind at my own pace, enabling me to find my center. I am also sharing my SECRET persona, Lt. DAX, my life in code while living in Bajor. Maybe fiction maybe not is up to you to decide. Peldor Joi!!!
Life can be a bowl of strawberries when cheries are not available. It has been almost two years since I have been in this blog. I have s...
Soooooo cute!!!
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