Monday, November 15, 2010

A video about Tapestry Crochet

A Tapestry Crochet Video with some Front Post treble crochet  Action, sounds dirty I know, but it is plain clean fun.  Some day I will have a different camera that will make it easier for me to make videos, but in the meantime I am enjoying myself with this fun activity. I am hoping that this video helps you understand a bit more about techniques to make your crochet experience the best it can be.  One may say that I am in a mission to make Crochet more of an Art Form, for men and women.  I hope you enjoy my newest Pattern which is coming out in a few days after this video.  Thanks for stopping by!

Almost two years without blogging August 2020

Life can be a bowl of strawberries when cheries are not available.   It has been almost two years since I have been in this blog.  I have s...